"After seeing thousands of people over the years, we definitely get better results with our program patients"
Nick Nation
Principle Dietitian
Our expert team of women's health dietitians have undertaken additional studies in areas including infertility, IVF, miscarriage, PCOS, IBS endometriosis, adenomyosis, and thyroid conditions. This means that we can better support you on your women's health journey.
All programs are tailored to individual needs.

A lifestyle program for women trying to conceive
Program includes:
Initial assessment + 4 reviews appointments (5 sessions)
Weekly email check-ins
Tailored fertility nutrition plan with serving suggestions
Tailored fertility supplement protocol & access to practitioner-only supplements
Nutrient analysis using FoodWorks nutritional software
Fertility and pregnancy resources
Program Bonuses
Anti-inflammatory recipe ebook
Body composition measurements
Omega 3 testing kit
Valued at over $1300
Our programs fill up fast. Whilst we'd love to take on everybody, our preference is to support a smaller number of people to ensure you're receiving a premium service.
Please leave your expression of interest in our contact page and we'll be in touch..

A lifestyle program for women living with polycyctic ovarian syndrome
Program includes:
Initial assessment + 4 reviews appointments (5 sessions)
Weekly email check-ins
Tailored PCOS nutrition plan with serving suggestions
Tailored PCOS supplement protocol
Nutrient analysis using FoodWorks nutritional software
Emotional eating therapy
Program Bonuses
Egg quality recipe ebook
Body composition measurements
Omega 3 testing kit
Valued at over $1300
Our programs fill up fast. Whilst we'd love to take on everybody, our preference is to support a smaller number of people to ensure you're receiving a premium service.
Please leave your expression of interest in our contact page and we'll be in contact.
Our NUTRITION NATION dietitians currently see clients in private rooms at WOOM, PROmotion Physiotherapy, & the Fertility Specialists WA.
*dietitian consultations are also available via telehealth.
Promotion Health - Claremont
Phone: (08) 9284 4405
9 Leura Avenue
Claremont WA 6010
(opposite Claremont train station)
Fertility Specialists WA - Claremont​
Email: fertilitywa@cityfertility.com.au
Level 1, 4/278 Stirling Hwy,
Claremont WA 6010,
Fertility Specialists WA - Applecross
​Phone: 1300 392 393​
Email: fertilitywa@cityfertility.com.au
Level 1, 764 Canning Hwy,
Applecross WA 6153,
*NUTRITION NATION dietitians are covered by all major private health funds and rebates are available for clients referred by their GP on EPC and Department of Veterans Affairs programs.

Want to lose weight, look and feel awesome?
Or maybe your doctor has told you that your cholesterol is high?
I've put together some self-help ebooks so that you can get the ball rolling sooner. Head to my resources page for more info.